
Mission: Washington facilitates an evangelism identity for our great state. We believe this is the Lord’s Divine plan.


Scott ArmstrongPastors and Ministers of the great state of Washington!!!

We would like to take just a brief moment to thank you all for your giving this past year to Christmas For Christ. You might be surprised to receive an email about CFC in the middle of the Summer… Well, the truth is that your generous giving to CFC provided the opportunity for Church Growth and Church planting training to happen last week at Summer Conference.

Our One Day Retreat this past Friday was attended by Mission: Washington leaders, District officials and 8 current church planting efforts including three (3) Preaching Point leaders (2 official, 1 unofficial), one (1) Daughter work Pastor, two (2) autonomous NAM pastors, and three (3) Young Church Pastors. Additionally, we were able to open the doors to numerous other ministers who came to learn, grow and be encouraged in working with People. Veteran Church Planter, Pastor Scott Armstrong and his wife, Susan shared experiences, wisdom and practical tools to help anyone in the business of growing God’s kingdom.

Your generous giving to CFC allowed for all of this to happen and also provided funds to cover the cost of attendance for the participating church planters.

Thank you for your vision to see God’s Kingdom expand!

Church Planting

Planting new congregations is our primary purpose. We use several methods:
  • Progressive Church Plants: An evangelism method that allows and encourages the leader of the new work to grow and develop along with the work itself. In this case, an established congregation begins meeting people in a new city/area intending to begin personal Bible studies. Once a solid group is meeting for studies, leaders begin hosting periodic worship services in that area. The new outreach becomes a Preaching Point. When the pastor of the “mothering” congregation is convinced there is momentum to create a New Start, and the interest & demand are sufficient, the work progresses to weekly worship services, and Daughter Work status. The pastor of the supporting congregation then works with the Daughter Work leader to establish metrics for becoming a New Start (a self-governing work).
  • New Starts: self-governing congregations initiated by a ministry family or team, less than 5 years in existence.
  • Young Churches: self-governing congregations that have existed more than 5 years, but less than 10.
  • Metro Church Plants: Church-planting families reach into a recognized metropolitan area with the financial & spiritual support of many churches across North America.

Current Preaching Points, Daughter Works, New Starts, & Young Churches

Status City Pastor/Leader Church Name
Preaching PointAUBURNC. Warren/N. NaikarRenaissance Apostolic Church - South
Preaching PointBURBANKJeff & Jerilynn HallAbundant Life - Burbank
Preaching PointCOLFAXJeff & Jerilynn HallAbundant Life - Colfax
Preaching PointCOLLEGE PLACEJeff & Jerilynn HallAbundant Life - College Place
Preaching PointEASTSOUNDEd & Liz RobinsonPentecostals of Anacortes - Eastsound
Preaching PointPOMEROYJeff & Jerilynn HallAbundant Life - Pomeroy
Preaching PointPORT HADLOCK/IRONDALEMichael & Diana SchefticChurch of Abundant Hope - Port Hadlock-Irondale
Preaching PointPRESCOTTJeff & Jerilynn HallAbundant Life - Prescott
Preaching PointWAITSBURGJeff & Jerilynn HallAbundant Life - Waitsburg
Preaching PointSEQUIMT. Coots/E. JonesSound Life - Sequim
Daughter WorkRENTONW. Plante/Juan CisnerosLiving With Jesus
New StartPORT ANGELESMichael & Diane SchefticChurch of Abundant Hope - Port Angeles
New StartBURLINGTONJames & Noemi VillalonChrist the Rock Christian Fellowship
New StartCHENEYMichael & Chelsea MooreHarvest Church - Cheney
Young ChurchCAMAS/WASHOUGALSteve & Jennifer TorresEastgate Pentecostals
Young ChurchVANCOUVERJoel & Maria SanchezIglesia Centro Pentecostal
Young ChurchMADISON PARK (SEATTLE)Dexter & Tracy HolmesSeattle First Church
Young ChurchSEATTLERyan & Britani ScottRefuge Church of Seattle



District Officials

Nathan & Teresa Boyd
Nathan J. Boyd

Director - North American Missions

Ray & Martha Alanis
Ray Alanis

Secretary - North American Missions

Sectional Directors

Randy Castillanes
Randy Castillanes

Section One Director

Michael Scheftic
Michael Scheftic

Section Two Director

Andrew Ramirez
Andres Ramirez

Section Three Director

Joel Sanchez Jr.
Joel Sanchez

Section Four Director

Archie Sililo Grey
Archie Grey

Section Five Director