Licensure Process


Minister's Licensure Process

If you intend to apply for a minister's license or upgrade your license with the United Pentecostal Church International, we can help you navigate the process. Here you can find information on how to start, who to contact, answers to commonly asked questions and resources to help you in your ministerial journey.

josh carson preaching

Pastor Josh Carson
Summer Conference 2021

For those not currently licensed

How to apply for a new or reinstated license

For example: applying for a Local license for the first time or applying for a reinstated General license

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Talk to your pastor or an ordained minister about applying.

Because a pastor or ordained minister must start the application process for new applicants, this is the required first step.

The pastor or sponsor will initiate the application process.

Be sure to supply your pastor with your full name and a valid email. The application invitation will be sent to this email address.

Applicant should complete the application and upload all required documents.

Applicants may save and continue the application later. Upon completion, you will digitally sign and submit the application.

Applicant is required to complete payment.

Upon submission, the applicant will receive another email with a link to complete payment. All applicants pay a $25 fee. New or reinstated applicants also pre-pay one-quarter of annual dues. This can be paid by credit card.

The pastor or sponsor will review application.

After pastor or sponsor approval, the application will go to the Oregon District for review and approval, and subsequently to UPCI World Headquarters for review and approval.

For currently licensed ministers

How to apply for a promoted license

For example: applying for General license from Local license or applying for Ordination from General License

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As a licensed minister, the applicant should log in to to initiate the application.

  1. Under the tab Ministers, select Ministers Application, then Start Ministers Application. If prompted, select Ministry, then select Continue.
  2. Select an option for applicant (Myself), level (Local/General/Ordained), and type (New/Reinstated/Promotion).
  3. In the field for approver’s last name, start to type your pastor’s/sponsor’s last name to populate possible accounts. Select the desired account. This will pre-fill their UPCI account number. You must list someone besides yourself as the approver for your application.
  4. Enter a valid email address for the approver you selected.
  5. Verify the information is correct. Select Create, and on the next page, select Yes to complete this step.

Applicant should complete the application and upload all required documents.

Upon completing step 1 in, the applicant should be redirected to a new page to complete the digital application. You may save and continue later. Upon completion, digitally sign and submit the application.

Applicant is required to complete payment.

Upon submission, the applicant will receive another email with a link to complete payment. All applicants pay a $25 fee. Active UPCI ministers are not required to pre-pay one-quarter of annual dues. This fee can be paid by credit card.

The pastor or sponsor will review application.

After pastor or sponsor approval, the application will go to the Oregon District for review and approval, and subsequently to UPCI World Headquarters for review and approval.

For pastors or sponsors

How to enter an applicant into the UPCI system or approve an application

For example: entering an Applicant for a Local license for the first time or upgrading an Applicant's license from Local to General. You cannot promote yourself.

The pastor will log in and initiate the application process for new/reinstated licenses.

The applicant should supply their full name and a valid email. Their application invitation will be sent automatically to their email address.

If you experience difficulty when attempting to log in to, try this approach:

  1. If you are a credentialed minister, first try your login and password for
  2. If the prior step returns an invalid response, use “Forgot your password?” to reset the password.
  3. Your login for will be the email associated with your login and password.

The applicant should complete the application, upload all required documents, and complete payment.

Applicants may save and continue the application later. Upon completion, they will digitally sign and submit the application. Upon submission, the applicant will receive another email with a link to complete payment. All applicants pay a $25 fee. This can be paid by credit card. New or reinstated applicants also pre-pay one-quarter of annual dues.

IMPORTANT: The pastor or sponsor must review and approve the completed application.

How do I know when an application is ready for me to review?
  1. The system should email you (using the email provided by the applicant or associated with your UPCI minister account) a notification. It will include a link to go to the Pastor Review page. On this page, you should see applications pending your action.
  2. You can also navigate to this page, under the tab Ministers, select Ministers Application, then Pastor/Sponsor Review.
What do I need to do to review an application?
  1. In Pastor Review page, use the action buttons next to the desired application. Use the Review button (triangle icon) to view a PDF of the application. Use the Approve/Deny button (paper icon) to navigate to the decision page. On the decision page, there is a box for comment, and it will ask for your decision: Approve, Deny, or Return to Applicant.
  2. If you select Approve, when you submit, the application will go to the Oregon District for review.
  3. If you select Deny when you submit, the application will be removed from the active queue and any refund due will be processed by WHQ Church Admin.
  4. If you select Return to Applicant when you submit, the application will return to the applicant to edit the application. When he/she resubmits, it will return to you for pastoral approval.
Why would I return a form to the applicant?
  1. All questions must be answered on the application. Incomplete answers will cause delay. If an application is incomplete (including insufficient attachments), return it to the applicant to edit to provide all required information.
  2. The UPCI requires applicants to meet certain educational requirements and uphold doctrinal beliefs. If an applicant has not met these requirements, return the application to the applicant and discuss the matter. If it can be resolved, the applicant should edit the application and resubmit. Doctrinal questions that are answered inconsistently with the UPCI Articles of Faith will be flagged for pastor review. An application cannot receive pastor approval if a flagged question exists. These questions must be resolved before proceeding to the Oregon District for review.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you are a credentialed minister, first try your login for Your login for will be the email associated with your login and the password you chose.
  • If your login/password is invalid, use "Forgot your password?" to reset the password.